
Fundraiser – Action on Hearing Loss

We need volunteers to help with our bucket collections. 
Help us out by shaking a bucket for just an hour or stay all day, nothing is too big or too small!
Money raised will help us continue to support the thousands of people across Wales who live with or are at risk of a Hearing Loss.
For further information, contact Mantell Gwynedd on 01286 672626 or volunteer@mantellgwynedd.com

Volunteer Business Mentor – Sported


This opportunity is for a Volunteer Project Offer, for a minimum of 16 weeks. Applicants must be between 16-24, either not in full time employment or education, or at risk of not being in full time education or employment.

The placement requires the volunteer(s) to gain hands on experience of supporting the planning and delivering of doorstep sport within area's of poverty. Within this placement the volunteer(s)will have the opportunity to gain a Doorstep Sport 1st 4 Sport Level 1/2 Qualification, alongside attending two employ-ability days and three Street Games Training Academy Workshops. Volunteer(s) must complete a minimum of 15-25 hours per week.


For further information, contact Mantell Gwynedd on 01286 672626 or volunteer@mantellgwynedd.com

Business Mentor – Sported

Sported`s volunteers support our Members on their journey to where they want to be. By providing support and guidance behind the scenes they help our Members become more effective and sustainable; enabling them to continue meeting the needs of young people in their community for as long as it takes. A volunteer will normally fulfill the role of "Expert" or "Mentor" when supporting a Member, depending on specific needs of that Member.

SGLEIN Volunteer Cleaning Assistant - GISDA

To volunteer in the social enterprise SGLEIN to complete general cleaning duties in a variety of buildings including offices, shops and houses while supporting young people and other volunteers.
- General cleaning duties including hoovering, mopping, tidying in general.
- Talk to customers in a pleasant and courteous manner
- Use health and safety rules in your daily work
- Communicate and work effectively in a team with the cleaning mentor, young people and other volunteers. 

 For further information, contact Mantell Gwynedd on 01286 672626 or volunteer@mantellgwynedd.com

Event First Aid Support Services – British Red Cross

Our aim is to provide first aid, occasionally life-saving, to those who need help at public events and to support the ambulance service
Could you help us to do this?
Can you assist us in providing first aid at events across Wales?
As an Event First Aid Support volunteer you will:

Home visitor- 'Living Well with Hearing Loss' project – Action on Hearing Loss

The project aims to ensure that people in North Wales can live well with hearing loss. This is done by supporting people in their homes to learn how to use assistive equipment. This is a joint project between CoS - Centre of Signs/Sight/Sound (formerly NWDA) and Action on Hearing Loss so volunteers will be registered with both organisations. 

For further information, contact Mantell Gwynedd on 01286 672626 or volunteer@mantellgwynedd.com

Events / Fundraising Volunteers – Stonewall

Stonewall Cymru are recruiting a team of Events Volunteers. Volunteers will support staff at events across the country, including Swansea Sparkle, North Wales Pride and the Eisteddfodau, as well as attending events without staff at smaller scale events. Duties will include selling merchandise, speaking to supporters about our work, and distributing resources. There will also be the opportunity for volunteers to organise their own events and fundraisers in aid of Stonewall. Full training will be provided. This opportunity would suit if you have limited time, or are looking to fit volunteering around work commitments. 

For further information, contact Mantell Gwynedd on 01286 672626 or volunteer@mantellgwynedd.com

World Cancer Day 2017 Collections Volunteer– Cancer Research UK

On Friday 3rd and Saturday 4th we’re looking for bucket collection volunteers to support World Cancer Day. A day when the world comes together to show that we’re united in the fight against cancer. By joining forces on this day, every person can play their part in beating cancer sooner.
Cancer Research UK needs your help to volunteer at a collection site near you! You’ll be helping to hand out Unity Bands for a suggested donation of £2, raising awareness of World Cancer Day, and raising as much money as possible for the fight against cancer. Register your interest now and we will contact you at the start of 2017.  For further information, contact Mantell Gwynedd on 01286 672626 or volunteer@mantellgwynedd.com


Christmas Fundraising Volunteer - RNIB

Can you join us for a couple of hours at our fun and sociable Christmas collections raising money to support people with sight loss? You can volunteer at one of our many events including carol singing, collections are train stations or stores and shopping centres.
Due to insurance requirements, you must be aged 18 to collect, but Carol Singers of all ages are welcome.  For further information, contact Mantell Gwynedd on 01286 672626 or volunteer@mantellgwynedd.com

Witness Service Caernarfon Court Volunteer - CAB


The Witness Service provides practical and emotional support and information to witnesses so that they feel valued, respected and informed and able to give their best evidence in court.


Main duties and responsibilities include meeting witnesses away from the court environment, either at their home or other agreed safe place, to assess their needs and provide support. Together with the witness, and where appropriate their carer/ support worker/ parent/ guardian, develop a tailored plan of preparation and support.


The purpose of this preparation and support is to help reduce their anxiety and trauma and enable them to give their best evidence. Training and support will be provided.  For ffurther information, contact Mantell Gwynedd on 01286 672626 or volunteer@mantellgwynedd.com

Volunteer 'Daredevil' - Action on Hearing Loss

Volunteers needed to help publicise and recruit other volunteers for upcoming Zipwire Fundraiser at Bethesda Zipworld on Saturday March 4th 2017.


Money raised will help us continue to support the thousands of people across Wales who live with or are at risk of a Hearing Loss.


Volunteers will need to raise a minimum of £80

For further information, contact volunteer@mantellgwynedd.com or telephone 01286 672626


Van Driver's mate- Wales Air Ambulance, Caernarfon

To help in the collection and delivery of donated goods to and from people's home.  For further information, contact Mantell Gwynedd on 01286 672626 or volunteer@mantellgwynedd.com

Hospital Cafe & Shop Volunteer - Ysbyty Gwynedd - RVS

RVS  shops, café and trolley serve hospital patients, staff and visitors with the added warmth of friendly understanding volunteer. 
Volunteers are needed to help run the service, serve customers,, take payment , prepare drinks or snacks and provide a listening ear.
Volunteers ensure that the outlet is stocked properly and that it is kept clean and tidy as expected in a hospital environment.  For further information, contact Mantell Gwynedd on 01286 672626 or volunteer@mantellgwynedd.com

Cafe & Shop Volunteer Sat/Sun 9.30am - 12.30pm - Ysbyty Gwynedd - RVS

RVS  shops, café and trolley serve hospital patients, staff and visitors with the added warmth of friendly understanding volunteer. 
Volunteers are needed to help run the service, serve customers, take payment, prepare drinks or snacks and provide a listening ear.
Volunteers ensure that the outlet is stocked properly and that it is kept clean and tidy as expected in a hospital environment.  For further information, contact Mantell Gwynedd on 01286 672626 or volunteer@mantellgwynedd.com

Cafe & Shop Volunteer Sat/Sun 12.30 - 4pm - Ysbyty Gwynedd - RVS

RVS  shops, café and trolley serve hospital patients, staff and visitors with the added warmth of friendly understanding volunteer. 
Volunteers are needed to help run the service, serve customers,, take payment , prepare drinks or snacks and provide a listening ear.
Volunteers ensure that the outlet is stocked properly and that it is kept clean and tidy as expected in a hospital environment.  For further information, contact Mantell Gwynedd on 01286 672626 or volunteer@mantellgwynedd.com

Hospital Shop Volunteer Sat/Sun 4 - 7pm - Ysbyty Gwynedd - RVS

Mae siopau RVS , caffi a throli yn gwasanaethu cleifion mewn ysbytai, y staff ac ymwelwyr gyda chynhesrwydd ychwanegol o gyfeillgarwch a dealltwriaeth gan ein gwirfoddolwyr.
Mae angen gwirfoddolwyr i helpu i redeg y gwasanaeth , gwasanaethu cwsmeriaid, cymryd taliadau wrth y til , paratoi diodydd neu fyrbrydau a bod yn glust i wrando .
Mae gwirfoddolwyr yn sicrhau bod y siop yn cael ei stocio'n briodol ac y caiff ei gadw'n lân a thaclus fel y disgwylir mewn amgylchedd ysbyty.  For further information, contact Mantell Gwynedd on 01286 672626 or volunteer@mantellgwynedd.com

Hospital Cafe & Shop Volunteer Mon 4.30 - 8pm - Ysbyty Gwynedd - RVS


RVS  shops, café and trolley serve hospital patients, staff and visitors with the added warmth of friendly understanding volunteer. 

Volunteers are needed to help run the service, serve customers,, take payment , prepare drinks or snacks and provide a listening ear.

Volunteers ensure that the outlet is stocked properly and that it is kept clean and tidy as expected in a hospital environment.  For further information, contact Mantell Gwynedd on 01286 672626 or volunteer@mantellgwynedd.com

ONE OFF EVENT. Volunteer Assistant - Cwmni Cofis Bach


Cwmni Cofis Bach's Drama Club have been working on creating a short film inspired by the history and experiences of local people during the period of the Great War. The young people have been imagining situations that would have happened to Caernarfon's community during this time.  On the 11th of December 2016 we plan to shoot scenes from a film at Noddfa in Peblig as well as on location, we will be filming in the park near the Caernarfon Rugby Club.  We would like to have a volunteer on hand to help us with aspects of the project, including keeping the young people safe and informed, helping with instructions, help with props and possibly have some input into the process at times.

For further information, contact Mantell Gwynedd on 01286 672626 or volunteer@mantellgwynedd.com