
Treasurer – Cylch Meithrin Seiont a Pheblig

The nursery Groups are managed by a Committee which usually includes parents who bring different skills to the group. Cylch Meithrin Seiont a Pheblig is one of the largest nursery groups Gwynedd with 52 children on the register.

You will not need to use 'Payroll' as this element is paid to Mudiad Meithrin to do so but the role does mean that the duties will include being in with the Department of Employment of Mudiad Meithrin on a monthly basis.

The main duties will be:   Keep neat accounts, payment of invoices under the direction of the leader, provide a link to Flying Start and Gwynedd Council regarding grants, and provide annual accounts for the accountant.  Role suitable for volunteers age 18+.  For further information contact Mantell Gwynedd on 01286 672626 or volunteer@mantellgwynedd.com