
Trustee from Wales – Samaritans Cymru

An exciting opportunity to shape Samaritans future. Do you have the skills to gain the cooperation and confidence of Volunteers and staff in leading the organisation in Wales?

We are looking for a trustee with detailed understanding of the cultural and political context of Samaritans work in Wales. In this role, you will use your knowledge and expertise to inform Samaritans policy and strategy and will:

•Reside in Wales

•Have an understanding and respect for the Welsh language (ability to speak is an advantage but not essential)

As Trustee from Wales you will have a particular responsibility for leading the development of Samaritans strategy in Wales as Chair of the Samaritans Cymru Board.

People rely on Samaritans every day of the year at significant times in their lives. Decisions made by the Trustee Board have a direct impact on who our service reaches, as well as how - and how well - it is delivered.

For further information contact Mantell Gwynedd on 01286 672626 or volunteer@mantellgwynedd.com