
Buddies - Emotional Support– Families Need Fathers Both Parents Matter Cymru

To provide emotional support at group meetings organised by the charity in their local area.  To undertake on-going contact with attendees of the charity’s support meetings and other service users to ensure retention within the charity’s services.

To plan, organise and attend social events to provide support to service users and their families.  To engage in group discussions to empathise with and support individual service users and to ensure that they retain their focus on the best interests of the children.  Undertake training in emotional well-being / Mental Health First Aid and dealing with emotional trauma organised by the charity.  To organise refreshments at local support meetings as needed by service users and volunteers.

To support the National Manager with social media initiatives involving Twitter / Facebook and the charity’s website.

For further information, contact Mantell Gwynedd on 01286 672626 or volunteer@mantellgwynedd.com