
Environmental Campaigner– Friends of the Earth Cymru

Môn a Gwynedd Friends of the Earth is looking for an enthusiastic volunteer to play a leading role in helping to run the group.  This might involve, for example, acting as online contact with Friends of the Earth staff, assisting in the organisation of local and national campaigns, and recruiting new members.

 Môn a Gwynedd Friends of the Earth has been active in local and national environmental campaigning for more than 20 years.  Campaigns during that time have covered a wide range of topics, including recycling, incineration, renewable energy, nuclear power, local food, energy conservation, GM and safer chemicals.

This is an ideal opportunity for someone interested in environmental issues who would like to achieve positive change by working with like-minded people locally and nationally. Are you able to spare a little time to help make a difference?

For further information, contact Mantell Gwynedd on 01286 672626 or volunteer@mantellgwynedd.com