
Buckets for Boobs Volunteers - Tenovus Cancer Care

This October we’re holding over 100 pink bucket collections all across Wales in supermarkets, sports centres and town centres to support Breast Cancer Awareness month.

We’re looking for Buckets for Boobs volunteers to help us raise as much money as possible to support families across the country and help fund life-changing cancer research.

Just sixty minutes of bucket collecting can raise around £20 so that one of our experienced nurses can man our free Support Line for one hour. This means anyone frightened or worried about breast cancer has someone to talk to - we’re there for them 365 days a year.

By giving a morning, you can help raise around £50, which means that one breast cancer patient can have their chemotherapy session on board our Mobile Support Unit rather than going into hospital.  And by giving up a day, you can help raise around £240 which means that anyone struggling to cope with cancer can have a course of six one-hour sessions with one of our qualified counsellors.  For further information contact Mantell Gwynedd on 01286 672626 or carwyn@mantellgwynedd.com