
Online Library Volunteer - Seeing Ear

Working from home and in your own free time, you will help us add books to our online library. Our free online library provides books in a flexible format to support readers who need books in an accessible format due to reasons such as visual impairment, dyslexia or a physical disability. You will be editing, styling and formatting MS Word files and we will give you all the training you need for this which again can be done at home via email. Every book you go on to edit will provide another opportunity for someone who struggles with reading ordinary books to take pleasure from reading or get a fair chance at education. We are currently working on an exciting new project working with schools to support children who need books in this electronic format and we want to give every child the opportunity for a fair chance in education and to be engaged with learning. To meet the demand of requests we will rely on the support of volunteers more than ever.  For further information about this opportunity contact Mantell Gwynedd on 01286 672626 or carwyn@mantellgwynedd.com