
Activity Club Helper – Girls Friendly Society

Can you help us to set up a group for girls and young women in your locality?

Since 1875 we have been providing opportunities for girls and young women to develop their self-esteem, confidence and emotional well being. Our clubs meet weekly in term time and cater for girls from 6 - 25.  

The theme of friendship underpins our work, where a single gender environment supports learning of interpersonal and social skills, co-operation and development of confidence.

Our groups differ according to the skills and interests of our volunteers. Sessions with younger girls can include include games, crafts, cookery, music, trips out and a short time for reflection.  For young women we provide sexual health and life skills training.  Volunteer leaders organise and assist with the general running of the activities and are available to talk with the girls and young women and to be an appropriate role model.  Full support is given to set up a group, including financial help and training.

For further information, contact Mantell Gwynedd on 01286 672626 or volunteer@mantellgwynedd.com