
Volunteer Reader Leader - North Wales 'Better with a Book' Project - The Reader Organisation

Building on The Reader's previous north Wales project ‘Make Friends with a Book’ we are setting up new Shared Reading groups across 3 counties of north Wales and looking for volunteers in Gwynedd. 

Purpose: To enable people to benefit from a quality Shared Reading experience which seeks to improve wellbeing, build community and lessen social isolation.

Paired with another volunteer Reader Leader, you will be responsible for delivering a Shared Reading group on a weekly basis. 

Benefits include:

           An opportunity to become part of the Shared Reading community and meeting new people
           Enabling other people to benefit from Shared Reading
           Training that will enable you to deliver Shared Reading  

You will be required to take part in our ‘Read to Lead’ training programme and attend regular volunteer meetings. We ask you to make a regular, weekly commitment to prepare for and lead a Shared Reading group, working with the supervision and support of peers and staff from The Reader.
For further information, contact Mantell Gwynedd on 01286 672626 or volunteer@mantellgwynedd.com