
Law Works Cymru Home Based Intern - Research - Mapping Free Legal Advice in Wales

Law Works is a charitable organisation.
We help develop and support the provision of free legal advice services to individuals, and small voluntary organisations, who cannot access legal aid, and are otherwise unable to afford to pay for legal advice.
Law Works was established in 1997, and Law Works Cymru was launched in 2013.

We wish to recruit an Intern, to help us research and map current free legal advice services in Wales.

They will:
* Contact solicitor firms, and third sector organisations.
* Conduct a telephone survey, to ascertain whether they are currently providing free legal services, or have an interest in doing so.
* Complete a report on findings, and provide Law Works with a list of interested organisations.
The intern will be provided with a skype account, and the support of a Law Works Cymru Project Officer.
This is an unpaid, voluntary position.
We will pilot the survey in a few distinct areas, before.rolling it out across Wales.

For further information contact Mantell Gwynedd on 01286 672626 or carwyn@mantellgwynedd.com