
Sport & Play Instructor - Balkans Expedition Autumn 2015 - World at Play

Join the World At Play team on an 8 week expedition to the Balkans and make a real difference to the lives of disadvantaged young people:
Eight volunteers along with a Team Leader run developmental play and sport sessions at our partner organisations in Croatia, Bosnia, Kosovo, Serbia and Romania.
All Volunteers receive full training as Play Leaders.
You will get first hand experience in an international development charity.
You will explore a region beyond the tourist trail and have one of the most unforgettable experiences of your life.

Our next expedition will leave in August/September 2015
Volunteers are asked to fund raise up to £800 towards costs.  Bursaries are available and assistance towards fund raising can be given (all money fundraised goes towards costs).

For further information contact Mantell Gwynedd on 01286 672626 or Carwyn@mantellgwynedd.com