
Go Pink! BCAM Volunteer – Tenovus Cancer Care

We’re looking for you to give an hour, or more if you can, at a bucket collection near you to encourage people in your community to spare some change. We can buddy you up with your nearest collection or you can even organize your own.  Why not grab some family and friends to join in the fun and raise even more money?  If collections aren’t your thing, don’t worry! You can still have fun and fundraise with us! Why not arrange a ‘wear pink day’ or a ‘pink bake off’ at work or school?  You can dress in pink, or fancy dress, or sing a song – we just want you to have fun whilst raising as much money as you can. Remember, the more fun you have, the more people will feel encouraged to Go Pink, join in and donate!  This volunteering role is suitable for people aged 16+. 

For further information, contact Mantell Gwynedd on 01286 672626 or volunteer@mantellgwynedd.com