
General Volunteer – Kids in Museums

Kids in Museums is an independent charity dedicated to making museums open and welcoming to all families, especially those who haven’t visited before.

The Kids in Museums Manifesto, Family Friendly Museum Award and Takeover Day have been incredibly successful ways of encouraging and guiding museums and galleries across the country to make family visits engaging and enjoyable.

Kids in Museums has volunteers all over the UK. Our volunteer team is 40 people strong and is growing all the time. You can find out more about our volunteers on kidsinmuseums.org.uk/about/volunteers.

Our volunteers take on real responsibilities to support our work with a range of roles including:

• Reviewing

• Events Help

• Promoting and Networking for Kids in Museums at openings and events

For further information, contact Mantell Gwynedd on 01286 672626 or volunteer@mantellgwynedd.com